Essex Union Podiatry: Find the Best Ingrown Toenail Doctors in NJ

Get Fast, Effective Ingrown Toenail Treatment from NJ’s Leading Podiatrists

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Don’t Suffer with Ingrown Toenails – Trust Our Top-Rated Podiatrists

Ingrown toenails are more than just annoying – they’re painful and can interfere with your daily life. If you’ve tried home remedies without success, it’s time to seek professional help.

Your Path to Pain-Free Feet

  1. Personalized Assessment: During your consultation, we’ll carefully examine your ingrown toenail and discuss the best course of action for your specific needs.
  2. Tailored Treatment Plan: Whether you require a simple procedure or a more involved solution, we’ll clearly explain your options and help you choose the right approach.
  3. Lasting Comfort: Our goal is not just to fix your current ingrown toenail, but to give you the tools to prevent future discomfort.

Meet Our Ingrown Toenail Specialists

At Essex Union Podiatry, you’ll receive exceptional care from our team of highly skilled foot and ankle surgeons.

Dr. Sarah Haller

Dr. Sarah E. Haller is fellowship-trained and board qualified in foot and ankle surgery. She specializes in musculoskeletal deformities, sports medicine, and post-traumatic and cosmetic reconstruction. As the founder of the New Jersey Foot and Ankle Foundation, Dr. Haller is also an expert reviewer for medical journals.

Dr. Jason Galante

Dr. Jason P. Galante is double board certified in podiatric medicine, foot and ankle surgery, and hyperbaric medicine. With his experience working with professional sports teams, Dr. Galante is one of the most experienced surgeons in New Jersey in reconstructive and sports-related foot and ankle surgery and medicine. 

Dr. Kaitlyn Testa

Dr. Kaitlyn Testa is a board qualified foot and ankle surgeon who professionally focuses on minimally invasive surgeries, including treatment of bunions, management of traumatic injuries, and reconstructive procedures. Dr. Testa also specializes in sports medicine, focusing on preventative care for the foot and ankle.

What Is an Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge or corner of the toenail curves and grows into the soft flesh surrounding the toe. This often happens on the big toe. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain and tenderness around the affected toe
  • Redness and swelling of the skin
  • Infection (may include pus, increased pain, and warmth)

Ingrown Toenail Severity: From Mild to Severe

  • Mild: Initial discomfort, redness, and minor swelling.
  • Moderate: Increased pain, swelling, and possible signs of infection.
  • Severe: Chronic inflammation, discharge (pus or blood), potentially foul odor, and significant pain.
Our experienced podiatry team is here to help.

Contact us now to discuss your foot and ankle health needs.

When Is an Ingrown Toenail Serious?

While some mild cases can be managed at home, seeking professional podiatric care is crucial if:

  • Pain significantly worsens.
  • Redness and swelling spread.
  • You see pus, blood, or notice other signs of infection.
  • You have underlying health conditions like diabetes or poor circulation.

Will It Go Away on Its Own?

Ingrown toenails rarely resolve without intervention. While home remedies like warm soaks and antibiotic creams may help in very mild cases, neglecting the issue can lead to complications or worsening discomfort.

What Does an Ingrown Toenail Look Like?

Visually, an ingrown toenail may demonstrate:

  • Skin growing over the edge of the nail.
  • The nail visibly digging into the surrounding skin.
  • Redness, swelling, and possible signs of infection around the nail.

Don’t gamble with the health of your feet! If you suspect an ingrown toenail, your top podiatrists at Essex Union Podiatry can provide prompt evaluation, preventing complications and delivering the right treatment for lasting relief.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails can be triggered by various factors, some within your control and others not. By understanding these causes, you can take steps to prevent these painful occurrences.

Ingrown Toenail Causes You Can Address

  • Improper Footwear: Shoes that are too tight or narrow can crowd your toes, forcing the nail to grow into the surrounding skin. Choose shoes with a roomy toe box.
  • Faulty Trimming Technique: Cutting your toenails too short or at a curved angle can encourage the nail edge to dig into the skin. Aim for trimming straight across, keeping the nail slightly longer than the skin’s edge.
  • Toenail Trauma: Stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on it, or repetitive stress from activities like running can damage the nail, leading to abnormal growth. Protect your toes during sports and handle objects with care.

Ingrown Toenail Causes Beyond Your Direct Control

  • Nail Shape: Naturally curved or thick toenails are more prone to growing inward. While you can’t alter your nail shape, extra care with trimming and footwear choices is crucial.
  • Underlying Conditions: Medical conditions like fungal infections or diabetes can distort nail growth or compromise the skin around the nails. Consult your doctor if you suspect there is an underlying issue.
  • Age and Genetics: Adolescents may experience more ingrown toenails due to sweaty feet softening the skin. There may also be a genetic predisposition to this issue.

Your Trusted Ingrown Toenail Specialists in New Jersey

At Essex Union Podiatry, we understand the pain and inconvenience of ingrown toenails. That’s why our expert podiatrists provide cutting-edge solutions for lasting relief at our three convenient locations across Northern New Jersey.

Why Choose Essex Union Podiatry

  • Experience You Can Count On: Our team of foot and ankle surgeons brings over decades of combined experience, ensuring you receive the highest quality care.
  • Compassionate Approach: We prioritize patient comfort and well-being, guiding you through the treatment process with personalized attention.
  • Advanced Treatment Options: We stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and techniques to provide the most effective and minimally invasive solutions tailored to your needs.

Insurance Coverage Made Simple

We accept most major insurance plans to make your care accessible. Our team is ready to help you navigate your coverage options and maximize your benefits. [Link to “Learn More”]

Not sure if we accept your insurance? Contact us today, and we’ll gladly assist you.

Please Note: We do not currently accept the following insurance types:

  • Amerigroup
  • Community Plans
  • Medicaid
  • Any Horizon Plan with Prefix “YKO”

Find Expert Foot Care Near You

Essex Union Podiatry offers three convenient locations across Northern New Jersey, ensuring you can access the care you need close to home.

Rahway Office

Step into a welcoming sanctuary for your foot and ankle health. Our Rahway office combines advanced technology with a focus on your comfort and recovery.

  • 1600 St. Georges Ave, Rahway, NJ 07065
  • Phone: 732-936-7543

Caldwell Office

Experience modern podiatric care in a bright, inviting space. Our Caldwell office overlooks Bloomfield Ave, offering both expert treatment and a relaxing environment.

  • 376 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell, NJ 07006
  • Phone: 862-640-1917

Springfield Office

Find healing and innovation in our contemporary Springfield office. We’ve designed this space for optimal recovery and your peace of mind.

  • 500 Morris Ave, Suite 203, Springfield, NJ 07081
  • Phone: 862-660-7739

Contact Essex Union Podiatry and discover the difference our expert podiatrists can make for your foot and ankle health.

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Ingrown Toenail FAQs: Your Questions Answered

Can I treat an ingrown toenail on my own?

Mild ingrown toenails sometimes respond to home care like warm soaks and antibiotic cream. However, if the pain worsens, you see signs of infection, or you have an underlying medical condition, it’s crucial to see a podiatrist at Essex Union Podiatry.

Will an ingrown toenail go away by itself?

It’s unlikely. Without proper intervention, an ingrown toenail can worsen and lead to complications. Seek expert care at Essex Union Podiatry.

What are the main causes of ingrown toenails?

Common causes include wearing ill-fitting shoes, cutting toenails too short or at an angle, toenail injury, naturally curved nails, and certain medical conditions.

I’m worried about surgery. Are there non-surgical options?

Yes! Depending on the severity of your ingrown toenail, the podiatrists at Essex Union Podiatry may recommend non-surgical treatments like lifting the nail edge, applying topical medications, or specialized bracing.

How can I prevent ingrown toenails in the future?

Here are key tips:

  • Wear properly fitting shoes with a roomy toe box.
  • Trim toenails straight across, slightly longer than the skin edge.
  • Keep feet clean and dry.
  • Inspect toes regularly for any signs of trouble.
  • Seek professional help at Essex Union Podiatry if you’re prone to ingrown toenails.

Can diabetes affect my risk of ingrown toenails?

Yes, diabetes can cause poor circulation and nerve damage in your feet, making you more susceptible to ingrown toenails and slower healing of infections. If you have diabetes, it’s essential to have regular foot checkups with the podiatrists at Essex Union Podiatry.

My child seems to have an ingrown toenail. What should I do?

It’s best to bring your child to Essex Union Podiatry for evaluation and treatment. Our podiatrists can assess the ingrown toenail and provide the most appropriate care for your child’s age and the severity of the condition.

Our experienced podiatry team is here to help.

Contact us now to discuss your foot and ankle health needs.