We Treat Other Podiatric Conditions

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Our doctors are highly skilled in many areas, including musculoskeletal deformities, sports medicine, post-traumatic reconstruction, arthritic conditions, and more. We care for all types of conditions of the lower extremities.

From deformities of the foot and ankle to fungal infections of the nail bed, there are a variety of conditions that our specialists have experience with. Trust us to handle your simple and complex acute and chronic conditions, regardless of age or activity level.

Enjoy customized, compassionate care from us, no matter the condition.

Our experienced podiatry team is here to help.

Contact us now to discuss your foot and ankle health needs.

Other Conditions of the Foot & Ankle

There is a quantity of other podiatric conditions we specialize in, including these:


Bursitis occurs when the bursae,
or small, fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints, become inflamed. This condition can occur in the foot or ankle and can be very painful.


Clubfoot is a condition, usually present at birth, in which shorter-than-usual tendons cause a misshapen foot or a foot that twists out of position.


Edema is an inflammatory condition common to the feet and ankles that causes excessive swelling and trapped fluid in these areas.

Fungal nails

Fungi can cause infections in the toenails that result in discoloration or thickened, brittle, or crumbling nails.

Ganglion cysts

Fungi can cause infections in the toenails that result in discoloration or thickened, brittle, or crumbling nails.

High arch foot

Fungi can cause infections in the toenails that result in discoloration or thickened, brittle, or crumbling nails.

Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails are a persistent and painful condition in which the corner of the toenail grows inward into the soft tissue of the toe.

Morton’s neuromas

Morton’s neuromas are painful conditions of the foot caused by thickened tissue surrounding a nerve that feels like standing on a pebble inside your shoe.

Nail injuries and infections

Nail injuries and infections can be caused by foot trauma or other chronic conditions. We treat and prevent infection and further complications from injuries.

Plantar hyperhidrosis

Plantar hyperhidrosis is a condition that creates excessive sweating on the soles of the feet, which can be uncomfortable and disruptive to day-to-day life.

Subungual exostosis

Subungual exostosis is a relatively common benign bone growth in the distal phalanges of the toes that can be painful or uncomfortable.

Toenail Infection

Toenail infections can be caused by a fungal, parasitic, or microorganism invasion of the foot and can be brought on after the injury. We’ll help you prevent and treat them.

Diabetic wounds

Diabetic wounds on the feet are common, as circulatory issues, swelling, and numbness may occur. Prevent future wounds and further complications with the proper treatment.

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